WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                FORM 8-K

                             CURRENT REPORT

                   PURSUANT TO SECTION 13 OR 15(d) OF

Date of Report (Date of Earliest Event Reported):      April 13, 1994   

                              HASBRO, INC.
                          (Name of Registrant)

 RHODE ISLAND                    1-6682                    05-0155090
- --------------                ------------             -------------------
  (State of                   (Commission                 (IRS Employer
Incorporation)                File Number)             Identification No.)

1027 NEWPORT AVE., PAWTUCKET, RHODE ISLAND                   02861
- ------------------------------------------             -------------------
 (Address of Principal Executive Offices)                  (Zip Code)

                             (401) 431-8697
                     (Registrant's Telephone Number)

Item 5.    Other Events

           The April 13, 1994 Press Release of the Registrant attached
           hereto as EXHIBIT 99 is incorporated herein by reference.

Item 7.    Financial Statements and Exhibits

           99   Press Release, dated April 13, 1994, of Hasbro, Inc.


Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                     HASBRO, INC.

Date: April 14, 1994                          By:\s\John T. O'Neill     
                                                      John T. O'Neill

                                              Executive Vice President and
                                              Chief Financial Officer
                                              (Duly Authorized Officer and
                                              Principal Financial Officer)

                                  HASBRO, INC.
                           Current Report on Form 8-K
                              Dated April 13, 1994

                                 Exhibit Index

  No.                              Exhibits
- -------                            --------    

99           Press Release dated April 13, 1994

                                                                EXHIBIT  99

For Immediate Release                              Contact: John T. O'Neill
April 13, 1994                                      Telephone: 401-431-8500

                     AND EARNINGS FOR FIRST QUARTER 1994

     Pawtucket, RI (April 13, 1994) -- Hasbro, Inc. (HAS:ASE) today reported 
results for its first quarter ended March 27, 1994.

     Revenues increased approximately $2,100,000 to $489,133,000 from the 
$487,036,000 reported in the first quarter of 1993 and,absent the effect of the 
strengthened U.S. dollar, would have increased an additional $8,000,000. 
Earnings before the cumulative effect of a change in accounting principles were 
$26,717,000 for the quarter compared with $26,580,000 last year. On the same 
basis, earnings per share were $.30 in both periods. 

      "Again this year, we have begun on a positive note", said Alan G. 
Hassenfeld, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, "and are pleased with our 
results which represent first quarter records for both revenues and earnings 
before an accounting change." 

      During the quarter, the Company adopted Statement of Financial Accounting 
Standards No. 112, relating to postemployment benefits. The adoption of this 
statement, which represents a change in accounting principles, reduced net 
earnings and earnings per share by $4,282,000 and $.05, respectively. Earnings 
and earnings per share after the accounting change were $22,435,000 and $.25, 
respectively. The weighted average number of common shares outstanding was 
90,100,000 compared to 89,639,000 a year earlier.

      "We are particularly proud of the performance of our international units 
this quarter", he continued. "Revenue growth was experienced in virtually all 
countries and in constant dollars their revenues increased by more than 20%. 
Domestically, even given the difficult retail environment, further complicated 
by the unusually severe weather in much of the country during January and 
February, we experienced strong retail sales of our products in comparison to 
1993. Especially noteworthy this quarter were the innovative products from 
Playskool, including Cool Tools(TM) and In-Line Skates, as well as the 
continuing momentum of many of Kenner's items. This consumer strength was 
tempered, however, by the ongoing effort of many of our customers to minimize 
their inventory levels. In particular, one customer initiated a centralized 
buying system which, when fully implemented, will make them a more efficient 
retailer. This change resulted in a substantial decrease in their first quarter 
purchases from us although we expect the full year to be on plan."

      Mr. Hassenfeld concluded by noting "Even though we had a strong first 
quarter, we are well aware that the balance of 1994 will present significant 
challenges as a greater proportion of our business moves to the second half of 
the year. We feel, however, that with our strong and diverse portfolio of 
products and our dedicated team of employees we are well equipped to meet those 

                               # # #
                         (Tables Attached)

                                  HASBRO, INC.


(Thousands of Dollars and Shares Except Per Share Data)

                                                        Quarter Ended
                                                     Mar. 27,    Mar. 28,
                                                       1994        1993
                                                     --------    --------
Net Revenues                                         $489,133     487,036
Cost of Sales                                         208,200     208,021
                                                      -------     -------
Gross Profit                                          280,933     279,015
Amortization                                            8,793       8,659
Royalties, Research and
 Development                                           50,320      47,403
Advertising                                            64,559      67,837
Selling, Distribution and  
 Administrative                                       110,290     109,559
                                                      -------     -------
Operating Profit                                       46,971      45,557
Interest Expense                                        5,436       4,415
Other (Income), Net                                    (1,908)     (1,729)
                                                      -------     -------
Earnings Before Income Taxes and
 Cumulative Effect of Change in
 Accounting Principles                                 43,443      42,871
Income Taxes                                           16,726      16,291
                                                      -------     -------
Net Earnings Before Cumulative
 Effect of Change in Accounting
 Principles                                            26,717      26,580
Cumulative Effect of Change in
 Accounting Principles                                 (4,282)          -
                                                      -------     -------
Net Earnings                                         $ 22,435      26,580
                                                      =======     =======

Per Common Share
   Net Earnings Before Cumulative 
    Effect of Change in Accounting
    Principles                                       $    .30         .30
                                                      =======     =======

   Net Earnings                                           .25         .30
                                                      =======     =======

   Cash Dividends Declared                                .07         .06
                                                      =======     =======
Weighted Average Number of
 Shares                                                90,100      89,639
                                                      =======     =======

                                  HASBRO, INC. 


  (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                    Mar. 27,        Mar. 28,
                                                      1994            1993
                                                    --------        --------

  Cash and Temporary Investments                  $  250,262         150,250
  Accounts Receivable, Net                           449,981         420,057
  Inventories                                        271,319         237,548
  Other                                              150,504         147,763
                                                   ---------       ---------
  Total Current Assets                             1,122,066         955,618
  Property, Plant and Equipment, Net                 282,978         252,521
  Other Assets                                       708,306         713,665
                                                   ---------       ---------
  Total Assets                                    $2,113,350       1,921,804
                                                   =========       =========

        Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity       

  Short-term Borrowings                           $   53,091          51,851
  Payables and Accrued Liablities                    491,743         471,097
                                                   ---------       ---------
  Total Current Liabilities                          544,834         522,948
  Long-term Debt                                     200,479         206,152
  Deferred Liabilities                                73,171          70,823
                                                   ---------       ---------
  Total Liabilities                                  818,484         799,923
  Total Shareholders' Equity                       1,294,866       1,121,881
                                                   ---------       ---------
  Total Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity      $2,113,350       1,921,804
                                                   =========       =========