Washington, D. C.  20549

                                   FORM 10-Q


                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the period ended April 1, 2001         Commission file number 1-6682

                                HASBRO, INC.
                            (Name of Registrant)

       Rhode Island                                05-0155090
- ------------------------             ------------------------------------
(State of Incorporation)             (I.R.S. Employer Identification No.)

           1027 Newport Avenue, Pawtucket, Rhode Island  02861
                      (Principal Executive Offices)

                              (401) 431-8697

     Indicate  by  check mark whether the registrant  (1)  has  filed  all
reports  required  to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d)  of  the  Securities
Exchange  Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months (or for such  shorter
period that the registrant was required to file such reports) and (2)  has
been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.

                             Yes  X  or No
                                 ---       ---

     The  number  of  shares of Common Stock, par value  $.50  per  share,
outstanding as of April 29, 2001 was 172,461,389.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                          Consolidated Balance Sheets

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Data)

                                              Apr. 1,    Apr. 2,   Dec. 31,
   Assets                                      2001       2000       2000
                                             --------   --------   --------
Current assets
  Cash and cash equivalents                $  180,766    343,643    127,115
  Accounts receivable, less allowance
   for doubtful accounts of $55,300,
   $67,300 and $55,000                        255,450    455,374    685,975
    Finished products                         257,447    381,574    285,884
    Work in process                            22,508     25,634     19,071
    Raw materials                              26,669     34,942     30,538
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
      Total inventories                       306,624    442,150    335,493

  Deferred income taxes                       153,583    117,475    155,291
  Prepaid expenses                            237,013    334,121    276,339
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total current assets                1,133,436  1,692,763  1,580,213

Property, plant and equipment, net            279,184    315,091    296,729
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------

Other assets
  Cost in excess of acquired net assets,
   less accumulated amortization of
   $236,203, $201,844 and $225,770            791,409    811,922    803,189
  Other intangibles, less accumulated
   amortization of $336,696, $287,484
   and $347,149                               872,809    931,336    902,893
  Other                                       286,120    255,574    245,435
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total other assets                  1,950,338  1,998,832  1,951,517
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------

        Total assets                       $3,362,958  4,006,686  3,828,459
                                            =========  =========  =========

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                    Consolidated Balance Sheets, Continued

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Data)

                                              Apr. 1,    Apr. 2,   Dec. 31,
   Liabilities and Shareholders' Equity        2001       2000       2000
                                             --------   --------   --------
Current liabilities
  Short-term borrowings                    $   92,229     79,597    228,085
  Accounts payable                            129,591    156,739    191,749
  Accrued liabilities                         583,443    981,690    819,978
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total current liabilities             805,263  1,218,026  1,239,812

Long-term debt, excluding current
 installments                               1,167,528  1,169,406  1,167,838
Deferred liabilities                          116,784    105,180     93,403
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total liabilities                   2,089,575  2,492,612  2,501,053
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
Shareholders' equity
  Preference stock of $2.50 par
   value. Authorized 5,000,000
   shares; none issued                              -          -          -
  Common stock of $.50 par value.
   Authorized 600,000,000 shares; issued
   209,694,630, 209,694,630 and 209,694,630   104,847    104,847    104,847
  Additional paid-in capital                  463,468    469,708    464,084
  Deferred compensation                        (5,391)    (9,884)    (6,889)
  Retained earnings                         1,553,199  1,768,990  1,583,394
  Accumulated other comprehensive earnings    (69,967)   (43,011)   (44,718)
  Treasury stock, at cost, 37,229,915,
   37,330,934 and 37,253,164 shares          (772,773)  (776,576)  (773,312)
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------
        Total shareholders' equity          1,273,383  1,514,074  1,327,406
                                            ---------  ---------  ---------

        Total liabilities and
         shareholders' equity              $3,362,958  4,006,686  3,828,459
                                            =========  =========  =========

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                     Consolidated Statements of Operations

                   (Thousands of Dollars Except Share Data)

                                                          Quarter Ended
                                                        Apr. 1,     Apr. 2,
                                                         2001        2000
                                                       --------    --------
Net revenues                                           $463,286     773,481
Cost of sales                                           189,805     300,301
                                                        -------     -------
Gross profit                                            273,481     473,180
                                                        -------     -------
  Amortization                                           29,421      32,856
  Royalties, research and development                    56,735     126,039
  Advertising                                            47,613      69,359
  Selling, distribution and administration              153,819     204,736
                                                        -------     -------
    Total expenses                                      287,588     432,990
                                                        -------     -------
Operating profit (loss)                                 (14,107)     40,190
                                                        -------     -------
Nonoperating (income) expense
  Interest expense                                       25,890      21,443
  Other (income) expense, net                            (4,765)     (3,176)
                                                        -------     -------
    Total nonoperating (income) expense                  21,125      18,267
                                                        -------     -------
Earnings (loss) before income taxes and
  cumulative effect of accounting change                (35,232)     21,923
Income taxes                                            (11,274)      6,796
                                                        -------     -------
Earnings (loss) before cumulative effect
  of accounting change                                  (23,958)     15,127
Cumulative effect of accounting change                   (1,066)        -
                                                        -------     -------
Net earnings (loss)                                    $(25,024)     15,127
                                                        =======     =======
Basic and diluted per common share
 Earnings (loss) before cumulative effect of
   accounting change                                   $   (.14)        .08
 Cumulative effect of accounting change                    (.01)         -
                                                        -------     -------
 Net earnings (loss)                                   $   (.15)        .08
                                                        =======     =======
 Cash dividends declared                               $    .03         .06
                                                        =======     =======

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                     Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows
              Three Months Ended April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000
                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                          2001       2000
                                                          ----       ----
Cash flows from operating activities
  Net earnings (loss)                                   $(25,024)    15,127
  Adjustments to reconcile net earnings to net cash
   provided by operating activities:
    Depreciation and amortization of plant and equipment  19,113     22,425
    Other amortization                                    29,421     32,856
    Deferred income taxes                                 40,810     19,253
    Compensation earned under restricted stock plans       1,088        -
  Change in operating assets and liabilities (other
   than cash and cash equivalents):
    Decrease in accounts receivable                      419,897    620,452
    Decrease (increase) in inventories                    18,671    (39,299)
    Increase in prepaid expenses                         (23,422)   (93,628)
    Decrease in accounts payable and accrued liabilities(278,491)  (201,215)
  Other                                                   (8,291)        (8)
                                                         -------    -------
    Net cash provided by operating activities            193,772    375,963
                                                         -------    -------
Cash flows from investing activities
  Additions to property, plant and equipment             (10,424)   (25,081)
  Investments and acquisitions, net of cash acquired         -      (20,790)
  Other                                                   13,945     (9,429)
                                                         -------    -------
    Net cash provided (utilized) by investing activities   3,521    (55,300)
                                                         -------    -------
Cash flows from financing activities
  Proceeds from borrowings with original maturities
   of more than three months                                 -      750,000
  Repayments of borrowings with original maturities
   of more than three months                             (25,000)  (148,324)
  Net repayments of other short-term borrowings         (107,688)  (478,609)
  Purchase of common stock                                   -     (363,413)
  Stock option transactions                                  472        128
  Dividends paid                                          (5,173)   (11,484)
                                                         -------    -------
    Net cash utilized by financing activities           (137,389)  (251,702)
                                                         -------    -------
Effect of exchange rate changes on cash                   (6,253)    (5,477)
                                                         -------    -------
      Increase in cash and cash equivalents               53,651     63,484
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of year           127,l15    280,159
                                                         -------    -------
      Cash and cash equivalents at end of period        $180,766    343,643
                                                         =======    =======
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (continued)
              Three Months Ended April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000
                            (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                           2001       2000
                                                         -------     ------
Supplemental information
  Cash paid (received) during the period for:
    Interest                                            $ 42,539     20,025
    Income taxes                                        $(58,986)    33,210

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Earnings

                             (Thousands of Dollars)

                                                           Quarter Ended
                                                         Apr. 1,    Apr. 2,
                                                          2001       2000
                                                        --------   --------
Net earnings (loss)                                    $ (25,024)    15,127
Cumulative effect of accounting change                      (753)        -
Other comprehensive
 earnings (loss)                                         (24,496)   (10,029)
                                                        --------   --------
Total comprehensive earnings (loss)                    $ (50,273)     5,098
                                                        ========   ========

See accompanying condensed notes to consolidated financial statements.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
             Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

(1)   In  the  opinion  of  management and  subject  to  year-end  audit,  the
accompanying  unaudited interim financial statements contain  all  adjustments
(consisting of only normal recurring accruals) necessary to present fairly the
financial  position of the Company as of April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000,  and
the results of operations and cash flows for the periods then ended.

      The  quarter ended April 1, 2001 is a thirteen week period. The  quarter
ended April 2, 2000 is a fourteen week period.

      The  results of operations for the quarter ended April 1, 2001  are  not
necessarily indicative of results to be expected for the full year.

(2)   Earnings per share data for the fiscal quarters ended April 1, 2001  and
April 2, 2000 were computed as follows:

                                           2001                  2000
                                    -----------------     -----------------
                                     Basic    Diluted      Basic    Diluted
                                    -------   -------     -------   -------
  Earnings (loss) before cumulative
   effect of accounting change     $(23,958)  (23,958)     15,127    15,127
                                    =======   =======     =======   =======

  Average shares outstanding (in
   thousands)                       171,933   171,933     189,563   189,563
  Effect of dilutive securities;
    Options and warrants                  -         -           -       778
                                    -------   -------     -------   -------
  Equivalent shares                 171,933   171,933     189,563   190,341
                                    =======   =======     =======   =======

  Earnings (loss) per share before
   cumulative effect of accounting
   change                          $   (.14)     (.14)        .08       .08
                                    =======   =======     =======   =======

(3)   The Company's other comprehensive earnings (loss) primarily results from
foreign  currency translation adjustments, changes in value of  the  Company's
available-for-sale investments, and the impact of deferred gains or losses  on
changes in the fair value of foreign currency contracts.

(4)   In  January 2001, the Company closed on the sale (commenced in 2000)  of
certain  business units comprising Hasbro Interactive, as well as its internet
portal,, to Infogrames Entertainment SA (Infogrames) for Infogrames
securities  and  cash, resulting in a loss of $43,965 that was  recognized  at
December  31,  2000.  The sale is subject to certain post closing  adjustments
which are expected to be finalized in 2001.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
       Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

The  Infogrames  securities  received in the  sale  have  been  classified  as
available-for-sale  and  are  included  in  other  assets.  Net  revenues  and
operating  losses of the business units sold for the quarter  ended  April  2,
2000 were $24,995 and $(34,730), respectively.

(5)  The  Company  is exposed to market risks attributable to fluctuations  in
foreign currency exchange rates primarily as a result of sourcing products  in
four currencies while marketing those products in more than thirty currencies.
Results  of operations will be affected primarily by changes in the  value  of
the  U.S.  dollar, Hong Kong dollar, British pound, Euro, Canadian dollar  and
Mexican  peso  versus other currencies, principally in Europe and  the  United
States. To manage this exposure, the Company hedges a portion of its estimated
future  foreign  currency transactions using a combination of forward  foreign
exchange contracts and purchased foreign currency options.

Effective  January  1,  2001,  the  Company  adopted  Statement  of  Financial
Accounting  Standards  No.  133,  Accounting for  Derivative  Instruments  and
Hedging  Activities, as amended by Statement of Accounting Standards No.  138,
(collectively  "SFAS  133")  which  require  that  the  Company   record   all
derivatives, such as foreign exchange products, on the balance sheet  at  fair
value.  Changes  in the derivative fair values that are designated,  effective
and  qualify  as cash flow hedges are deferred and recorded as a component  of
accumulated  other comprehensive earnings (AOCE) until the hedged transactions
occur  and  are  recognized in the consolidated statements of operations.  The
Company's  foreign  currency  contracts hedging  anticipated  cash  flows  are
designated  as  cash  flow  hedges.  The  ineffective  portion  of  a  hedging
derivative  is  immediately  recognized  in  the  consolidated  statements  of
operations.  As  a  result of adopting SFAS 133 and  in  accordance  with  the
transition  provisions, the Company recorded a one-time after  tax  charge  of
$1,066  during  the  quarter ended April 1, 2001 representing  the  cumulative
effect  of  the adoption in its consolidated statements of operations  and  an
after  tax  unrealized loss of $753 to AOCE, which the Company expects  to  be
reclassified to the consolidated statements of operations during the remainder
of fiscal 2001.

For  the  quarter ended April 1, 2000, changes in fair value which the Company
excludes from its assessment of hedge effectiveness, which are included in the
consolidated  statement of operations were $60. A summary  of  the  after  tax
activity in AOCE relating to the Company's hedging program is as follows:

Balance, December 31, 2000                                 $   -
Cumulative effect of accounting change                       (753)
Change in fair value of cash flow hedges                    3,810
Change in fair value transferred to earnings as a
  result of ineffectiveness                                    32
Balance, April 1, 2001                                     $3,089
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
       Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

The  remaining  balance in AOCE at April 1, 2001 represents a  net  unrealized
gain  on  hedges  of 2001 inventory purchases either purchased  in  the  first
quarter  or  forecasted to be purchased during the remainder of  fiscal  2001.
This  amount will be transferred to the consolidated statements of  operations
upon the sale of the related inventory. The Company expects the entire balance
in AOCE to be reclassified to the consolidated statements of operations within
the next 12 months.

The Company recorded a net gain to other (income) expense of $840 relating  to
the  change  in  fair  value  of foreign currency derivatives  that  were  not
designated  as  accounting  hedges.  Changes  in  the  fair  value  of   these
derivatives  offset  changes in fair value of the underlying  transactions  to
which they relate, which are also included in other (income) expense.

The  Company  formally documents all relationships between hedging instruments
and  hedged items as well as its risk management objectives and strategies for
undertaking  various hedge transactions. All hedges designated  as  cash  flow
hedges are linked to forecasted transactions and the Company assesses, both at
the  inception of the hedge and on an on-going basis, the effectiveness of the
derivatives  used in hedging transactions in offsetting changes  in  the  cash
flows  of  the  hedged items. When it is determined that a derivative  is  not
highly  effective as a hedge under the requirements of SFAS 133,  the  Company
discontinues hedge accounting prospectively. Any gain or loss deferred through
that  date  remains in AOCE until the forecasted transaction occurs  at  which
time it is reclassified into the consolidated statements of operations. To the
extent  the  transaction  is  no longer deemed probable  of  occurring,  hedge
accounting treatment is discontinued prospectively and amounts deferred  would
be reclassified to the consolidated statements of operations.

(6)  On October 12, 2000, the Company announced a plan to consolidate its U.S.
Toy  group into Rhode Island, significantly reduce overhead through reductions
in  product  development,  sales and marketing, and  administrative  functions
across  the  Company  and to increase its development of  the  Company's  core
brands.  Costs  associated with this consolidation program,  recorded  in  the
fourth quarter of 2000, amounted to $152,270, of which $70,079 was recorded as
a  restructuring  charge  and  $82,191  in  various  other  operating  expense

The  significant  components of the plan included the closing  of  offices  in
Cincinnati, Ohio, the Napa, California office and warehouse and a small office
in  San Francisco, California, thereby essentially consolidating the U.S.  Toy
group  in Rhode Island. These actions were substantially completed at December
31, 2000.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
       Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

Additionally,  the  plan included the reduction of overhead,  particularly  in
marketing  and sales, product development and administration. This included  a
curtailment  of the expansion of the retail business of Wizards,  the  further
consolidation of certain international operating offices into regional centers
and  consolidation and streamlining of the Company's marketing activities. The
Company  is  also  increasing its focus on developing and marketing  its  core
brands thereby seeking to reduce its reliance on licenses. This focus resulted
in  product  lines  which will be discontinued or for which  the  Company  has
significantly reduced expectations.

The 2000 restructuring charge of $70,079 represented approximately $31,800  of
cash  charges  for  severance benefits for termination  of  approximately  850
employees,  which  will be disbursed over the employees'  entitlement  period,
$21,400  of  cash charges for lease costs to be expended over the  contractual
lease  term of the closed facilities and non-cash charges of $16,900 for fixed
asset write-offs, arising primarily in Corporate and the U.S. Toy segment. Non-
cash  charges  relating  to  fixed  asset  write-offs  were  credited  to  the
respective line items on the balance sheet as of December 31, 2000. Details of
activity in the restructuring plan for the current period follow:

                                          Balance at             Balance at
                                           Dec. 31,                Apr. 1,
                                             2000    Activity       2001
                                           -------   --------     -------
Severance                                $  31,800    (12,100)     19,700
Lease costs                                 21,400     (1,100)     20,300
                                           -------    -------     -------
                                         $  53,200    (13,200)     40,000
                                           =======    =======     =======
Employee redundancies by area:
  Manufacturing activities                      27        (24)          3
  Research, product development, marketing
   sales and administration                    322       (196)        126
                                           -------    -------     -------
                                               349       (220)        129
                                           =======    =======     =======

The  remaining  severance  liability represents  cash  charges  for  severance
benefits  for  employees  not yet terminated and amounts  for  employees  made
redundant which will be disbursed over the employees' entitlement period.  The
balance in lease costs will be expended over the contractual lease term of the
closed facilities.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
       Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

(7)  Hasbro  is a worldwide marketer and distributor of children's and  family
entertainment  products  and  services, principally  engaged  in  the  design,
manufacture and marketing of games and toys ranging from traditional to  high-
tech.  The  Company's reportable segments are U.S. Toys, Games,  International
and  Operations. In 2001, the Company has realigned its business  segments  to
consolidate  its  toy-related product lines into  its  U.S.  Toy  segment.  In
addition,  manufacturing  facilities previously  included  in  the  Operations
segment  are  now  assessed  as part of the segments  which  these  facilities
support.  Prior year amounts have been reclassified to reflect  the  Company's
current focus.

In  the United States, the U.S. Toy segment includes the design, marketing and
selling  of boys action figures, vehicles and playsets, girls toys,  preschool
toys  and  infant  products, creative play products and toy-related  specialty
products. The Games segment includes the development, manufacturing, marketing
and selling of traditional board games and puzzles, handheld electronic games,
electronic  interactive products, children's consumer electronics,  electronic
learning  aids, trading card and role-playing games. Within the  International
segment,  the Company develops, manufactures, markets and sells both  toy  and
certain game products in non-U.S. markets. Operations sources product for  the
majority of the Company's segments. The Company also has other segments  which
license  out certain toy and game properties and which operate retail  stores.
These  other  segments do not meet the quantitative thresholds for  reportable
segments and have been combined for reporting purposes.

Segment  performance is measured at the operating profit  level.  Included  in
Corporate and eliminations are general corporate expenses, the elimination  of
intersegment  transactions and assets not identified with a specific  segment.
Intersegment  sales  and  transfers are reflected  in  management  reports  at
amounts approximating cost.

The  accounting  policies of the segments are the same as those  described  in
note  1 to the Company's consolidated financial statements for the fiscal year
ended December 31, 2000.

Results  shown  for  the quarter are not necessarily representative  of  those
which  may be expected for the full year 2001 nor were those of the 2000 first
quarter  representative of those actually experienced for the full year  2000.
Similarly, such results are not necessarily those which would be achieved were
each segment an unaffiliated business enterprise.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
       Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

Information by segment and a reconciliation to reported amounts for the  three
months ended April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000 are as follows:

                                        Quarter Ended        Quarter Ended
                                        April 1, 2001        April 2, 2000
                                        -------------        -------------
      Net revenues                   External  Affiliate  External  Affiliate
                                     --------  ---------  --------  ---------
        U.S. Toys                  $  131,028      3,114   188,506     3,173
        Games                         189,739     16,592   398,643    40,964
        International                 119,221     16,125   166,179    16,016
        Operations (a)                  3,486     51,391     1,700   129,234
        Other segments                 19,812        709    18,453       701
        Corporate and eliminations          -    (87,931)        -  (190,088)
                                    ---------  --------- --------- ---------
                                   $  463,286          -   773,481         -
                                    =========  ========= ========= =========

                                         Quarter ended          Quarter ended
                                         April 1, 2001          April 2, 2000
                                         -------------         --------------
      Operating profit (loss)
        U.S. Toys                          $   (3,769)               (28,337)
        Games                                   9,517                 76,659
        International                         (27,624)               (15,273)
        Operations                             (3,288)                 1,781
        Other segments                           (850)                 2,955
        Corporate and eliminations             11,907                  2,405
                                            ---------              ---------
                                           $  (14,107)                40,190
                                            =========              =========

                                         April 1, 2001         April 2, 2000
                                         -------------         -------------
      Total assets
        U.S. Toys                          $  477,735                625,203
        Games                               1,927,846              2,072,700
        International                         957,501                947,101
        Operations                            316,358                297,993
        Other segments                         64,495                 27,673
        Corporate and eliminations           (380,977)                36,016
                                            ---------              ---------
                                           $3,362,958              4,006,686
                                            =========              =========

(a)   The  Operations segment derives substantially all of  its  revenues  and
operating results from intersegment activities.

                      HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
       Condensed Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements (continued)

                            (Thousands of Dollars)

The following table presents consolidated net revenues by classes of principal
products for the quarters ended April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000:

                                                  2001                 2000
                                                -------              -------
Boys toys                                     $  80,700              140,900
Games and puzzles                               245,700              440,600
Preschool toys                                   28,300               38,700
Other                                           108,586              153,281
                                                -------              -------
Net revenues                                  $ 463,286              773,481
                                                =======              =======

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
              Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                      Condition and Results of Operations

                            (Thousands of dollars)

- --------------------------------
Net  loss for the first quarter of 2001 was $(25,024) compared with net income
of  $15,127  in  the  first quarter of 2000. Diluted loss per  share  for  the
quarter was $(.15) in 2001 compared with a diluted earnings per share of  $.08
in  2000.  The  net  loss and diluted earnings per share for  2001  include  a
cumulative  effect  of  accounting change of  $(1,066)  or  $(.01)  per  share
relating  to the adoption of SFAS 133 as discussed in the condensed  notes  to
the consolidated financial statements. Net revenues decreased in all three  of
the  Company's  major business segments, U.S. Toys, Games  and  International,
from comparable 2000 levels. Operating loss of the U.S. Toys segment decreased
from  2000  levels while the operating profit of the other two major  business
segments  decreased from 2000 levels. The first quarter of  2001  includes  13
weeks  compared  to  14 weeks in the first quarter of 2000.  A  more  detailed
discussion  of  items impacting consolidated net earnings (loss)  and  segment
results follows.

- ------------
Net  revenues  for  the first quarter of 2001 decreased approximately  40%  to
$463,286  from  $773,481 in 2000. This decrease is primarily  due  to  reduced
revenues,  across all segments, from POKEMON products. In the  Games  segment,
revenues  decreased  52% to $189,739 from the comparable period  of  2000.  In
addition  to  decreased  sales of POKEMON products,  reduced  sales  of  FURBY
products  and  the  sale  of  Hasbro Interactive in  January  2001  negatively
impacted  Games  segment revenues. Revenues in the U.S. Toy segment  decreased
30%  to  $131,028 in 2001 from $188,506 in 2000 as a result of a  decrease  in
sales  of POKEMON related products and to a lesser extent, sales of KOOSH  and
SUPER SOAKER products. Revenues in the International segment decreased 28%  to
$119,221  in 2001 from $166,179 in 2000 primarily as a result of the  decrease
in  sales  of POKEMON products. Worldwide revenues were adversely impacted  by
$9,790 from the stronger U.S. dollar.

- ------------
Decreased revenues in all three of the Company's major segments primarily from
POKEMON  products,  resulted in an overall decrease in  gross  margin  of  the
Company  to 59.0% of net revenues from 61.2%. The decrease in gross profit  is
also  due  to  a  change  in  product  mix as  POKEMON  trading  cards,  which
constituted  a significant portion of the decrease in revenues,  carry  higher
gross margins. This decrease was partially offset by the impact of the sale of
Hasbro Interactive in January 2001, which had lower gross margins in 2000.
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations (continued)

                            (Thousands of dollars)

- --------
Amortization  expense  of  $29,421 in 2001 decreased  from  $32,856  in  2000,
primarily reflecting the sale of Hasbro Interactive in January 2001.

Royalties,  research  and development expenses for the  quarter  decreased  to
$56,735  or  12.2%  of  net revenues in 2001 from $126,039  or  16.3%  of  net
revenues in 2000. The decrease was primarily due to a $49,831 decrease in  the
royalty  component  as a result of lower revenues derived from  royalty  based
items,  primarily  POKEMON  products. Research and  development  decreased  to
$30,297 in 2001 from $49,770 in 2000. The decrease is primarily the result  of
the  Company's sale of Hasbro Interactive and its internet portal,,
in January 2001.

Advertising  expense decreased in amount to $47,613 in 2001  from  $69,359  in
2000  but increased as a percentage of revenues to 10.3% in 2001 compared with
9.0%  in  2000  due  to a lower revenue base. The decrease  in  dollar  amount
reflects reduced spending due to the anticipated lower sales volume in 2001.

The  Company's selling, distribution and administration expenses, which,  with
the exception of distribution costs, are largely fixed, decreased in amount to
$153,819  in  2001  from $204,736 in 2000 but increased  as  a  percentage  of
revenues to 33.2% in 2001 from 26.5% in 2000. The decrease in dollar amount is
due to the sale of Hasbro Interactive and in January 2001, decreased
sales  volume, and the Company's 2000 consolidation program to reduce overhead
in  the sales and marketing and administrative functions as well as other cost
reduction efforts of the Company.

- -----------------------------
Interest  expense  for  the first quarter of 2001 was  $25,890  compared  with
$21,443  in  2000. The increase is the result of an increase  in  the  average
outstanding debt in the first quarter of 2001 compared with the first  quarter
of 2000.
                          HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations (continued)

                            (Thousands of dollars)

- ------------
Income tax expense (benefit) as a percentage of pretax earnings (loss) in  the
first quarter of 2001 was (32)% compared to 31% in the first quarter of 2000.

- -----------------
On  January 1, 2001, the Company implemented Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards  No. 133, as amended by Statement of Financial Accounting  Standards
No.  138,  which  require  that all derivative instruments,  such  as  foreign
exchange contracts be recorded on the balance sheet at fair value. The  effect
of  adopting these standards on earnings, net of taxes, was $(1,066) while the
effect on Accumulated Other Comprehensive Earnings was $(753).

In January 2001, the Company closed on the sale (commenced in 2000) of certain
business units comprising Hasbro Interactive, as well as its internet  portal,  The  sale resulted in a loss of $43,965, which was  recognized  at
December  31,  2000.  The sale is subject to certain post closing  adjustments
which are expected to be finalized in 2001.

Due  to  the  seasonal  nature of the business and in particular  the  mix  of
products offered in 2001, the Company continues to expect the second  half  of
the  year and within that half, the fourth quarter, to be more significant  to
its  overall business for the full year. This concentration increases the risk
of  (a)  underproduction of popular items, (b) overproduction of less  popular
items and (c) failure to achieve tight and compressed shipping schedules.  The
business of the Company is characterized by customer order patterns which vary
from  year  to year largely because of differences in the degree  of  consumer
acceptance  of  a  product line, product availability,  marketing  strategies,
inventory  levels, policies of retailers and differences in  overall  economic
conditions.  The  trend  of retailers over the past  few  years  has  been  to
purchase  product  within  or  close to the fourth  quarter  holiday  consumer
selling  season, which includes Christmas. Quick response inventory management
practices  now  being used result in fewer orders being placed in  advance  of
shipment  and  more orders, when placed, for immediate delivery. Consequently,
unshipped orders on any date in a given year are not necessarily indicative of
sales for the entire year. In addition, it is a general industry practice that
orders  are  subject  to  amendment  or cancellation  by  customers  prior  to
shipment. At April 29, 2001 and April 30, 2000, the Company's unshipped orders
were approximately $287,000 and $434,000, respectively.

On  October  12, 2000, the Company announced a plan approved by its  Board  of
Directors  to consolidate its U.S. Toys group into Rhode Island, significantly
reduce   overhead  through  reductions  in  product  development,  sales   and
marketing, and administrative functions across the Company and to increase its
focus on development of the Company's core brands.
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations (continued)

                            (Thousands of dollars)

The  plan  began  in 2000 and is expected to be completed in  2001.  The  cost
savings  achieved as a result of the restructuring plan actions for which  the
Company  incurred  a charge in 2000 were approximately $10,000  in  the  first
quarter of 2001.

The  components of activity in the plan and the balance remaining at  the  end
of the quarter are as follows:

                                         Balance at              Balance at
                                           Dec. 31,                Apr. 1,
                                             2000    Activity       2001
                                           -------   --------     -------
Severance                                $  31,800    (12,100)     19,700
Lease costs                                 21,400     (1,100)     20,300
                                           -------    -------     -------
                                         $  53,200    (13,200)     40,000
                                           =======    =======     =======
Employee redundancies by area:
  Manufacturing activities                      27        (24)          3
  Research, product development, sales
   marketing and administration                322       (196)        126
                                           -------    -------     -------
                                               349       (220)        129
                                           =======    =======     =======

The  significant  components of the plan included the closing  of  offices  in
Cincinnati, Ohio, the Napa, California office and warehouse and a small office
in  San Francisco, California, thereby essentially consolidating the U.S. Toys
group  in Rhode Island. These actions were substantially completed at December
31,  2000.  The  remaining  severance liability represents  cash  charges  for
severance  benefits for employees not yet terminated and amounts for employees
made redundant which will be disbursed over the employee's entitlement period.
The  balance in lease costs will be expended over the contractual lease terms.
The  Company  expects to generate full year pre-tax savings  of  approximately
$49,000  in  2001 and $53,000 in 2002 from the actions for which  the  Company
incurred a charge in 2000.

- -------------------------------
The  seasonality  of the Company's business results in the interim  cash  flow
statements not being representative of that which may be expected for the full
year. Historically, the majority of the Company's cash collections occur  late
in  the fourth quarter and early in the first quarter of the subsequent  year.
As  receivables  are collected, the proceeds are used to repay  a  significant
portion of outstanding short-term debt.

                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations (continued)

                            (Thousands of dollars)

Because  of  this  seasonality in cash flow, management believes  that  on  an
interim  basis,  rather  than  discussing  only  its  cash  flows,  a   better
understanding of its liquidity and capital resources can be obtained through a
discussion  of the various balance sheet categories as well. Also, as  several
of  the  major  categories,  including cash  and  cash  equivalents,  accounts
receivable,  inventories  and short-term borrowings,  fluctuate  significantly
from  quarter  to  quarter,  again due to the  seasonality  of  its  business,
management  believes that a comparison to the comparable period in  the  prior
year is generally more meaningful than a comparison to the prior year-end.

Cash flows provided by operating activities were $193,772 and $375,963 for the
first  quarters of 2001 and 2000, respectively. Receivables were  $255,450  at
April  1,  2001  compared  to  $455,374 at April  2,  2000.  The  decrease  in
receivables  is  primarily the result of the 40% decrease in revenues  in  the
first  quarter of 2001 compared to the first quarter of 2000 as  well  as  the
sale  of  Hasbro  Interactive and improved collections. Inventories  decreased
approximately  31%  from  last  year's levels, primarily  reflecting  improved
inventory  management and to a lesser extent the sale of  Hasbro  Interactive.
Other  current assets decreased to $390,596 at April 1, 2001 from $451,596  at
April  2,  2000.  The  decrease is primarily due  to  a  decrease  in  advance
royalties  as  the  result of licensed products, primarily  POKEMON  products,
comprising  a  higher  percentage  of  2000  sales  and  the  sale  of  Hasbro
Interactive  and  These decreases  were  partially  offset  by  an
increase  in  deferred income taxes. Accounts payable and accrued  liabilities
decreased  by $425,395 from comparable 2000 levels. Approximately 74%  of  the
decrease was due to the impact of amounts accrued at April 1, 2000 for  shares
acquired under the Company's first quarter 2000 Modified Dutch Auction  Tender
Offer.  The  remainder  of  the  decrease  in  accounts  payable  and  accrued
liabilities relates to a decrease in accrued income taxes as the result  of  a
decrease in taxable income as well as decreases in accrued royalties and trade
payables  as  the  result  of decreased sales volume and  decreased  inventory
levels, respectively.

Collectively, property, plant and equipment and other assets decreased $84,401
over  the  comparable period in the prior year, reflecting the sale of  Hasbro
Interactive  and as well as assets written off or written  down  to
fair  market value in connection with the Company's 2000 consolidation program
offset in part by securities received from the sale of Hasbro Interactive  and
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations (continued)

                            (Thousands of dollars)

Net borrowings (short and long-term borrowings less cash and cash equivalents)
increased to $1,078,991 at April 1, 2001 from $905,360 at April 2, 2000.  This
reflects the use of approximately $313,000 of cash in the prior twelve  months
for  the  Company's repurchase of its common stock through the Modified  Dutch
Auction  Tender Offer. This was offset in part by cash provided by operations.
In  February  2001,  the  Company entered into amended  and  restated  secured
revolving  and line of credit facility agreements with existing  lenders.  The
facilities  are secured by substantially all domestic accounts receivable  and
inventory,  as  well  as  certain investments and  intangible  assets  of  the
Company.  Amounts available for borrowing under these committed facilities  of
$325,000  (long-term) and $325,000 (short-term) were at their lowest point  in
the  first  quarter  of  2001.  At April 1, 2001, approximately  $300,000  was
available  under the committed lines and approximately $161,000 of uncommitted
lines  were  available. The Company expects that funds provided by  operations
and  amounts  available for borrowing from time to time under these  lines  of
credit  are  adequate to meet its needs. Included in short-term borrowings  is
$1,746 of current installments of long-term debt.

- ---------------
Certain  member  countries of the European Union established fixed  conversion
rates  between  their existing currencies and the European  Economic  Monetary
Union  common currency, or Euro. While the Euro was introduced on  January  1,
1999,  member countries will continue to use their existing currencies through
January  1, 2002, with the transition period for full conversion to  the  Euro
ending  June 30, 2002. Transition to the Euro creates certain issues  for  the
Company with respect to upgrading information technology systems for 2002 full
use   requirements,  reassessing  currency  risk,  product  pricing,  amending
business  and  financial contracts as well as processing  tax  and  accounting
records. The Company has and will continue to address these transition  issues
and  does  not  expect the Euro to have a material effect on  the  results  of
operations or financial condition of the Company.

- --------------------------
This  discussion contains "forward-looking statements" within the  meaning  of
the  Private  Securities  Litigation Reform  Act  of  1995.  These  statements
include,  without  limitation,  any  statement  that  may  predict,  forecast,
indicate or imply future results, performance or achievements, and may contain
the  use  of forward-looking words or phrases such as "anticipate," "believe,"
"could,"  "expect,"  "intend," "look forward," "may," "planned,"  "potential,"
"should,"  "will,"  and "would" or any variations of such words  with  similar
meanings. These forward-looking statements are inherently subject to known and
unknown  risks and uncertainties. The Company's actual actions or results  may
differ  materially  from those expected or anticipated in the  forward-looking
                         HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
               Management's Discussion and Analysis of Financial
                Condition and Results of Operations (continued)

Specific  factors  that might cause such a difference  include,  but  are  not
limited  to,  the Company's ability to manufacture, source and  ship  new  and
continuing products on a timely basis and the acceptance of those products  by
customers  and  consumers  at  prices that will be  sufficient  to  profitably
recover  development, manufacturing, marketing, royalty  and  other  costs  of
products;   economic  conditions,  including  higher  fuel  prices,   currency
fluctuations  and  government regulations and other  actions  in  the  various
markets  in  which  the Company operates throughout the world;  the  inventory
policies  of retailers, including the concentration of the Company's  revenues
in the second half and fourth quarter of the year, together with the increased
reliance by retailers on quick response inventory management techniques, which
increases the risk of underproduction of popular items, overproduction of less
popular  items and failure to achieve tight and compressed shipping schedules;
the  impact  of  competition on revenues, margins and  other  aspects  of  the
Company's  business,  including  the ability to  secure,  maintain  and  renew
popular licenses and the ability to attract and retain talented employees in a
competitive  environment; market conditions, third party actions or  approvals
and  the  impact  of  competition that could delay or  increase  the  cost  of
implementation of the Company's consolidation programs or alter the  Company's
actions  and reduce actual results, and the risk that anticipated benefits  of
acquisitions may not occur or be delayed or reduced in their realization;  and
other  risks and uncertainties as are or may be detailed from time to time  in
the Company's public announcements and filings with the SEC such as Forms 8-K,
10-Q  and  10-K. The Company undertakes no obligation to revise  the  forward-
looking  statements  contained in this discussion or to  update  the  forward-
looking statements to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date
of this discussion.

PART II.  Other Information

Item 1.   Legal Proceedings.


Item 2.   Changes in Securities.


Item 3.   Defaults Upon Senior Securities.


Item 4.   Submission of Matters to a Vote of Security Holders.


Item 5.   Other Information.


Item 6.   Exhibits and Reports on Form 8-K.

           (a)  Exhibits.

             11    Computation of Earnings Per Common Share - Quarters Ended
                   April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000.

             12    Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges -
                   Quarter Ended April 1, 2001.

           (b)  Reports on Form 8-K

             A Current Report on Form 8-K dated April 23, 2001 was filed by
             the Company and included the Press Release dated April 23, 2001
             announcing the Company's results for the current quarter.
             Consolidated Statements of Earnings (without notes) for the
             quarters ended April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000 and
             Consolidated Condensed Balance Sheets (without notes) as of said
             dates were also filed.


Pursuant  to  the  requirements of the Securities Exchange Act  of  1934,  the
Registrant  has  duly caused this report to be signed on  its  behalf  by  the
undersigned thereunto duly authorized.

                                                    HASBRO, INC.

Date: May 16, 2001                           By:  /s/ David D. R. Hargreaves
                                                 David D. R. Hargreaves
                                                 Senior Vice President and
                                                 Chief Financial Officer
                                                (Duly Authorized Officer and
                                                 Principal Financial Officer)

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                        Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q
                     For the Period Ended April 1, 2001

                                Exhibit Index

  No.                            Exhibits
- -------                          --------

  11          Statement re computation of per share earnings - quarter

  12          Statement re computation of ratios

                                                                   EXHIBIT 11

                        HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                  Computation of Earnings Per Common Share
              Quarters Ended April 1, 2001 and April 2, 2000

           (Thousands of Dollars and Shares Except Per Share Data)

                                            2001                 2000
                                      -----------------    -----------------
                                       Basic    Diluted     Basic    Diluted
                                      -------   -------    -------   -------
Earnings (loss) before cumulative
    effect of accounting change     $ (23,958)  (23,958)    15,127    15,127
                                      =======   =======    =======   =======

Weighted average number of shares
  Outstanding at beginning of
   period                             171,886   171,886    192,984   192,984
  Exercise of stock options
   and warrants:
    Actual                                 47        47          5         5
    Assumed                                 -         -          -       778
  Purchase of common stock                  -         -     (3,426)   (3,426)
                                      -------   -------    -------   -------
    Total                             171,933   171,933    189,563   190,341
                                      =======   =======    =======   =======

Per common share:
Earnings (loss) before cumulative
    effect of accounting change     $    (.14)     (.14)       .08       .08
                                      =======   =======    =======   =======

                                                                   EXHIBIT 12

                          HASBRO, INC. AND SUBSIDIARIES
                 Computation of Ratio of Earnings to Fixed Charges
                          Quarter Ended April 1, 2001

                              (Thousands of Dollars)

Earnings available for fixed charges:
  Net loss                                                          $(25,024)
    Cumulative effect of accounting change                             1,066
    Fixed charges                                                     31,620
    Income taxes                                                     (11,274)
      Total                                                         $ (3,612)

Fixed Charges:
  Interest on long-term debt                                        $ 21,670
  Other interest charges                                               4,220
  Amortization of debt expense                                           511
  Rental expense representative
   of interest factor                                                  5,219
      Total                                                         $ 31,620

Ratio of earnings to fixed charges                                     (0.11)