WASHINGTON, D.C.  20549

                                FORM 11-K



     ACT OF 1934

                   COMMISSION FILE NUMBER 1-6682




                             HASBRO, INC.
                         1027 NEWPORT AVENUE
                       PAWTUCKET, RI 02862-1059

                           REQUIRED INFORMATION


  The following Plan financial statements and schedule prepared in accordance
with the financial reporting requirements of the Employee Retirement Income
Security Act of 1974 are filed herewith, as permitted by Item 4 of Form 11-K:

   Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm
   Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits as of
    December 31, 2009 and 2008
   Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits for
    the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008
   Notes to Financial Statements

   Supplemental Schedule:
    Schedule H, Line 4i - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)

    Other schedules are omitted as the required information is not applicable.


23    Consent of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm


  Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
Committee appointed by the Board of Directors of Hasbro, Inc. to administer the
Plan has duly caused this Annual Report on Form 11-K to be signed on its behalf
by the undersigned hereunto duly authorized.

                                        Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan

Date: June 25, 2010                     /s/ Deborah Thomas
      -------------                     ------------------------------------
                                        Deborah Thomas

                                        Chief Financial Officer

            Report of Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm

The Plan Administrator

Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan:

We have audited the accompanying statements of net assets available for plan
benefits of the Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan (the Plan) as of
December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the related statements of changes in net assets
available for plan benefits for the years then ended. These financial
statements are the responsibility of the Plan's management. Our responsibility
is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits.

We conducted our audits in accordance with the standards of the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (United States). Those standards require that we
plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the
financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes
examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in
the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting
principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as
evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our
audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion.

In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in
all material respects, the net assets available for plan benefits of the Plan
as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the changes in net assets available for
plan benefits for the years then ended, in conformity with U.S. generally
accepted accounting principles.

Our audits were performed for the purpose of forming an opinion on the basic
financial statements taken as a whole. The supplemental Schedule H, Line 4i -
Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year) as of December 31, 2009 is presented
for the purpose of additional analysis and is not a required part of the basic
financial statements but is supplementary information required by the
Department of Labor's Rules and Regulations for Reporting and Disclosure under
the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974. The supplemental schedule
is the responsibility of the Plan's management. The supplemental schedule has
been subjected to the auditing procedures applied in the audits of the basic
financial statements and, in our opinion, is fairly stated in all material
respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole.

                                             /s/ KPMG LLP

Providence, Rhode Island
June 25, 2010


               Statements of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                           December 31, 2009 and 2008

                                                     2009              2008
                                                     ----              ----
    Cash and cash equivalents                   $  2,209,005         2,972,030
    Investments, at fair value                   303,470,111       222,863,954
    Wrapper contracts, at fair value                       -           101,978
                                                 -----------       -----------
          Total investments and cash (note 3)    305,679,116       225,937,962
                                                 -----------       -----------

      Loans to participants                        6,134,693         5,349,883
      Investment income                                    -           186,168
      Employer contributions                       9,023,176         9,213,459
      Due from brokers for securities sold            14,560           185,824
                                                 -----------       -----------
          Total receivables                       15,172,429        14,935,334
                                                 -----------       -----------
                Total assets                     320,851,545       240,873,296
                                                 -----------       -----------

    Payables for securities purchased                173,171           200,247
    Accrued expenses                                 130,052           112,171
                                                 -----------       -----------
                Total liabilities                    303,223           312,418
                                                 -----------       -----------

Net assets, reflecting investments at
 fair value                                      320,548,322       240,560,878

Adjustment from fair value to contract
 value for fully benefit-responsive
 investment contracts                               (698,031)        2,036,852
                                                 -----------       -----------

     Net assets available for plan benefits     $319,850,291       242,597,730
                                                 ===========       ===========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.

                        HASBRO, INC. RETIREMENT SAVINGS PLAN

           Statements of Changes in Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits

                       Years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008

                                                       2009           2008
                                                      -----          -----
Changes in net assets attributed to:
   Investment income (loss):
    Net appreciation (depreciation) in
      fair value of investments                   $  54,161,582   (98,045,208)
    Dividends and interest                            5,022,509     6,493,608
                                                    -----------   -----------
        Total investment income (loss) (note 3)      59,184,091   (91,551,600)
                                                    -----------   -----------

    Rollovers                                           498,634       765,039
    Employee contributions                           14,793,228    15,249,665
    Employer matching and other contributions        18,798,966    19,015,732
                                                    -----------   -----------
        Total contributions                          34,090,828    35,030,436
                                                    -----------   -----------

   Transfer from other plan                                   -     1,114,514
   Termination, withdrawal and retirement
     payments directly to participants              (15,540,900)  (23,768,134)
   Administrative expenses                             (481,458)     (409,596)
                                                     ----------   -----------

            Net increase (decrease)                  77,252,561   (79,584,380)

Net assets available for plan benefits:
  Beginning of year                                 242,597,730   322,182,110
                                                   ------------   -----------
  End of year                                    $  319,850,291   242,597,730
                                                   ============   ===========

See accompanying notes to financial statements.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

(1) Description of Plan

   The following brief description of the Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan
  (the Plan) is provided for general information purposes only. Participants
   should refer to the Plan agreement for more complete information.

    (a) General
        The Plan is a defined contribution plan subject to the provisions of
        the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) and is
        available to substantially all domestic employees of Hasbro, Inc. and
        certain subsidiaries (collectively the Company or Plan Administrator).
        Participation in the Plan is voluntary and eligibility provisions

    (b) Plan Merger and Transfer of Plan Assets
        Hasbro, Inc. acquired Cranium, Inc. in January 2008. As a result, the
        Cranium, Inc. 401(k) Plan was merged into the Hasbro, Inc. Retirement
        Savings Plan on July 1, 2008. Assets totaling $1,114,514 were
        transferred into the Plan as a result of the merger.

    (c) Contributions
        Eligible employees could contribute up to 50% of their eligible pay,
        limited to an annual maximum of $16,500 and $15,500 in 2009 and 2008,
        respectively. Contributions may be limited to less than the maximum
        percentage of eligible pay to enable the Company to meet IRS
        discrimination regulations. The Company makes a matching contribution,
        except for Milton Bradley union employees, of 200% of the first 2% of
        the participants' eligible pay that they contribute per pay period,
        plus a 50% match of the next 4% of participants' eligible pay that they
        contribute per pay period up to a maximum matching contribution of 6%
        of a participant's eligible pay per pay period. For Milton Bradley
        union employees, from January 1, 2008 through December 31, 2008 the
        Company's matching contribution was 40%, up to a maximum of 6% of a
        participant's eligible pay per pay period. From January 1, 2009 through
        December 31, 2009 the Company's matching contribution for Milton
        Bradley union employees was 45%, up to a maximum of 6% of a
        participant's eligible pay per pay period.

        All eligible employees at least age 50 by the end of the calendar year
        are permitted to make additional pre-tax deferrals over and above the
        otherwise applicable limits. These additional deferrals are called
        "catch-up contributions."  The Company does not make matching
        contributions on the "catch-up contributions."  Catch-up contributions
        may be made up to an additional $5,500 and $5,000 for 2009 and 2008,


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

        Effective at the end of December 2007, the Company froze defined
        benefit pension benefits being accrued for its non-union employees in
        the Hasbro, Inc. Pension Plan in the United States. These pension
        benefits were replaced by additional employer contributions made to
        this Plan beginning in 2008. These additional contributions for non-
        union employees include an annual Company contribution equal to 3% of
        an employee's eligible yearly pay. In addition, for eligible employees
        who met certain requirements that were based on a combination of age
        and years of vesting service in the pension plan as of December 31,
        2007, the Company will make an annual transition contribution of
        between 1% and 9% of an employee's eligible yearly pay. The annual
        transition contribution is effective for Plan years 2008 through 2012.
        During 2009 and 2008, these annual transition contributions totaled
        $3,362,710 and $3,641,346, respectively.

    (d) Vesting
        All participants currently employed by the Company own, or are vested
        in, 100% of both employee contributions and the Company's matching
        contribution to the Plan. Participants become 100% vested in the
        Company's other contributions, including the annual 3% Company
        contribution and the annual transition contribution, after three years
        of vesting service. Participants earn one year of vesting service for
        each calendar year in which the participant has worked at least 1,000

    (e) Forfeitures
        The unvested portion of a terminated Participant's account is
        forfeited and used to reduce future employer contributions. In 2009
        forfeitures were $46,612. In 2008 there were no forfeitures.

    (f) Payment of Benefits
        Payments to participants will be paid upon retirement, disability, or
        termination of employment. The account balance will be paid to a
        beneficiary upon death of the participant. Participants in the Plan
        have the option of receiving their benefit payments either in a lump
        sum or in periodic installments. Participants, except for terminated
        participants, may also make in-service withdrawals from their Pre-Tax
        Savings Contribution Account in the event of a demonstrated severe
        financial hardship as defined by the IRS Safe Harbor rules.
        Participants who have reached age 59  1/2 may make in-service
        withdrawals from their vested accounts in the Plan for any reason.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

    (g) Participant Loans
        The maximum loan available to each participant is the lesser of (1)
        $50,000 reduced by the highest outstanding loan balance due from the
        participant during the preceding twelve months, or (2) 50% of the
        participant's vested account balance, reduced by the current
        outstanding loan balance due from the participant. The minimum loan
        amount available to participants is $500. Each loan shall bear a fixed
        interest rate on the first day of the month (for each month) at prime
        as published in the Wall Street Journal on the prior day. Repayment of
        the loan must be made over a period not to exceed five years, unless it
        is for the purchase of a primary residence, in which case the loan
        period cannot exceed ten years.

(2) Summary of Accounting Policies

    (a) Basis of Accounting
        The preparation of financial statements in conformity with accounting
        principles generally accepted in the United States of America requires
        the Plan Administrator to make estimates and assumptions that affect
        the reported amounts in the financial statements and accompanying
        notes. Actual results could differ from those estimates. The
        accompanying financial statements are presented on the accrual basis of
        accounting. Benefits payable at year end are not accrued for as they
        are considered to be a component of the net assets available for plan

    (b) Investments
        Investments are stated at fair value. See Note 8 for a discussion of
        the methods used to determine the fair value of investments held by the

        In 2009 and 2008 certain investment options offered by the Plan were
        deemed to be fully benefit-responsive investment contracts. Accounting
        standards require that these investments be reported at fair value.
        However, contract value is the relevant measure to the Plan because it
        is the amount that is available for Plan benefits.  Accordingly, these
        investments are reflected in the Statements of Net Assets Available for
        Plan Benefits at their fair values, with corresponding adjustments to
        reflect these investments at their contract values. See Note 3 for
        further information on these investments.

        Security transactions received prior to 4:00 pm Eastern time by the
        Trustee are recognized on that business day. Transactions received
        after 4:00 pm Eastern time are valued as of the next business day.

        Interest income is recorded on the accrual basis and dividend income is
        recorded on the ex-dividend date.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

        Net appreciation (depreciation) in the fair value of investments
        includes both realized and unrealized gains and losses.

    (c) Participant Loans
        Participant loans receivable are recorded at amortized cost.

    (d) Contributions
        Contributions from employees are accounted for when deducted from
        employees' wages. The Company's matching contributions are accrued at
        the time the employee's contributions are deducted. For the years ended
        December 31, 2009 and 2008, employer and employee contributions for the
        last pay period of the year were paid to the Plan prior to the Plan's
        year end. The annual 3% company contribution and transition
        contributions are paid to the Plan subsequent to the end of each Plan
        year and are recorded as employer contributions receivable on the
        Statement of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits at year end.

    (e) Payments of Benefits
        Benefits are recorded when paid.

    (f) Administrative Expenses
        The Plan bears all costs and general expenses incurred with regard to
        investment consulting, audit, legal and communication fees, other
        professional fees, independent fund managers and the purchase and sale
        of investments. Other costs of administration are paid for by the Plan

(3) Investment Information

   Participants may elect to have their accounts invested in one or more of the
   investment funds offered by the Plan. At December 31, 2009, investment funds
   offered by the Plan include the following nationally traded mutual funds:
   the Fidelity Growth Company Fund, the Fidelity Diversified International
   Fund, the PIMCO Total Return Fund, the Dodge & Cox Stock Fund, the Vanguard
   Small-Cap Index Fund, the Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund, the Dreyfus Limited
   Term High Yield Bond Fund and the JP Morgan US Large Cap Core Plus Fund.
   Investment funds offered by the Plan at December 31, 2009 also included the
   following commingled funds: BTC S&P 500 Index, JPM SmartRetirement Income,
   JPM SmartRetirement 2010, JPM SmartRetirement 2015, JPM SmartRetirement
   2020, JPM SmartRetirement 2025, JPM SmartRetirement 2030, JPM
   SmartRetirement 2035, JPM SmartRetirement 2040, JPM SmartRetirement 2045 and
   JPM SmartRetirement 2050. The BTC S&P 500 Index Fund replaced the Spartan
   U.S. Equity Index Fund on January 2, 2008, the JPM SmartRetirement Funds
   replaced the Fidelity Freedom Funds on February 1, 2008, and the Dodge & Cox
   Stock Fund replaced the Fidelity Equity Income Fund on August 1, 2008.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

   Participants can elect to invest up to 25% of their contributions in the
   Hasbro Stock Fund which is a unitized stock fund that invests in the stock
   of Hasbro, Inc. and other short term investments designed to allow
   participants to buy and sell without the usual trade settlement period for
   individual stock transactions. Ownership is measured in units of the fund
   instead of shares of stock. In addition, participants cannot elect to
   reallocate their investment funds that would result in greater than 25% of
   their account invested in the Hasbro Stock Fund. The fair value of the cash
   and investments of the Hasbro Stock Fund was $6,639,518 as of December 31,
   2009 and $4,873,876 as of December 31, 2008.

   The Plan invests in fully benefit-responsive synthetic guaranteed investment
   contracts ("synthetic GICs") as part of offering the JP Morgan Stable Asset
   Fund investment option to participants. Participant contributions to this
   fund are primarily used to purchase units of commingled funds, which are
   invested in a high-quality fixed income portfolio.

   The JP Morgan Stable Asset Fund enters into wrapper contracts with insurance
   companies which provide a guarantee with respect to the availability of
   funds to make distributions from this investment option. These contracts are
   carried at contract value in the participants' accounts. The issuer of the
   wrapper contracts is contractually obligated to repay the principal, as well
   as a specified interest rate that is set on a quarterly basis. There are no
   reserves against contract value for credit risk of the contract issuer or

   To the extent that the underlying portfolio has unrealized and/or realized
   losses, a positive adjustment is made when reconciling from fair value to
   contract value under contract value accounting. As a result, the future
   crediting rate may be lower over time than the current market rates.
   Similarly, if the underlying portfolio generates unrealized and/or realized
   gains, a negative adjustment is made when reconciling from fair value to
   contract value and, in the future, the crediting rate may be higher than the
   current market rates. The contracts cannot credit an interest rate that is
   less than zero percent.

   The JP Morgan Stable Asset Fund and the wrapper contracts purchased by that
   fund are designed to pay all participants at contract value. However,
   certain events limit the ability of the Plan to transact at contract value.
   These events include but are not limited to premature termination of the
   contracts by the Plan or Plan termination. The Plan Sponsor has not
   expressed any intention to take either of these actions.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

   The synthetic guaranteed investment contracts in the JP Morgan Stable Asset
   Fund as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 are summarized below:

                        Major     Investments      Wrapper       Adjustment
                        Credit        at         Contracts at    to Contract
                        Rating     Fair Value     Fair Value        Value
                        ------    ------------   ------------   -------------

    December 31, 2009
    Monumental Life
     Insurance Co.        AA-     $ 26,805,660             -        (349,016)
    ING Life Insurance
      and Annuity Co.     A+        26,805,580             -        (349,015)
                                  ------------       -------       ---------
    All Contracts                 $ 53,611,240             -        (698,031)
                                  ============       =======       =========

    December 31, 2008
    Monumental Life
     Insurance Co.        AA      $ 24,352,256        50,989       1,018,426
    ING Life Insurance
      and Annuity Co.     AA        24,352,236        50,989       1,018,426
                                  ------------       -------       ---------
    All Contracts                 $ 48,704,492       101,978       2,036,852
                                  ============       =======       =========

   Participant accounts in the JP Morgan Stable Asset Fund are credited with
   interest at a fixed rate that is based on an agreed-upon formula as defined
   in the contracts. The rate typically resets quarterly; however, the rate may
   reset more frequently under certain circumstances. The primary variables
   which could impact the future crediting rates include (1) the amount and
   timing of participant contributions, (2) transfers and withdrawals into/out
   of the contract, (3) the current yield of the assets underlying the
   contract, (4) the duration of the assets underlying the contract and (5) the
   existing difference between fair value of the securities and the contract
   value of the assets within the insurance contract. The crediting rate of
   security-backed contracts will track current market yields on a trailing
   basis. The rate reset allows the contract value to converge with the fair
   value of the underlying portfolio over time, assuming the portfolio
   continues to earn the current yield for a period of time equal to the
   current portfolio duration.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

    The average yields earned by the entire JP Morgan Stable Asset Fund for the
    years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 were 4.17% and 6.67%, respectively.
    The average yields earned by the JP Morgan Stable Asset Fund, adjusted to
    reflect the actual interest rate credited to participants in the fund, for
    the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 were 3.35% and 4.33%,

    In addition to the JP Morgan Stable Asset Fund described above, the
    following table represents the carrying value of other investments which
    were 5% or more of the Plan's net assets as of December 31, 2009 and
    December 31, 2008:

                                                      2009             2008
                                                     ------           ------
    Fidelity Growth Company Fund                  $45,432,920       29,713,208
    BTC S&P 500 Index                              34,447,034       26,913,608
    Fidelity Diversified International Fund        29,013,866       19,925,879
    PIMCO Total Return Fund                        27,241,809       19,874,282
    Dodge & Cox Stock Fund                         26,400,841       19,853,552

    During 2009 and 2008, the Plan's investments (including gains and losses on
    investments bought and sold, as well as held during the year) appreciated
    (depreciated) in value by $54,161,582 and $(98,045,208), respectively, as

                                                    Year Ended December 31,
                                                     2009            2008
                                                    ------          ------
    Shares in registered investment companies  $  34,946,908     (70,920,497)
    Units in common collective trusts             18,290,703     (27,658,855)
    Hasbro Stock Fund                                923,971         534,144
                                                 -----------     -----------
                                               $  54,161,582     (98,045,208)
                                                 ===========     ===========

(4) Related Party Transactions

    Certain Plan investments are shares of mutual funds managed by Fidelity
    Management and Research Company, an affiliate of the Trustee, and,
    therefore, qualify as party-in-interest transactions. Additionally, the
    Plan holds investments in shares of Hasbro, Inc. common stock. The Plan had
    195,937 and 159,026 shares of Hasbro, Inc. common stock valued at
    $6,281,740 and $4,638,788, respectively, as of December 31, 2009 and 2008.
    These transactions qualify as exempt party-in-interest transactions.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

 (5) Plan Termination

    Upon termination of the Plan and trust, each Participant shall be entitled
    to receive the vested amount standing to the credit of their account as of
    the final valuation date.  The Trustee shall make payments of such amounts
    as directed by the Plan Administrator.

    Although the Company has not expressed any intent to do so, it reserves the
    right to terminate the Plan at any time subject to ERISA provisions.

(6) Risks and Uncertainties

    The Plan provides for investments in various funds, which invest in equity
    and debt securities and other investments.  Such investments are exposed to
    risks and uncertainties, such as interest rate risk, credit risk, economic
    and political risks, regulatory changes, and foreign currency risk.  In
    addition, participants may elect to invest up to 25% of their contributions
    in the Hasbro Stock Fund. The underlying performance of this fund is
    dependent upon the performance of the Company and the market's evaluation
    of such performance. The Plan's exposure to a concentration of credit risk
    is subject to the Plan's investment funds selected by participants. These
    risks and uncertainties could impact participants' account balances and the
    amounts reported in the financial statements.

(7) Federal Income Taxes

    The Internal Revenue Service issued a determination letter on January 21,
    2003, which stated that the Plan and its underlying trust are designed in
    accordance with applicable sections of the Internal Revenue Code (IRC), and
    therefore, are exempt from federal income taxes. Although the Plan has been
    amended since receiving the determination letter, the Plan Administrator
    and the Plan's tax counsel believe that the Plan is designed and is
    currently being operated in compliance with the applicable requirements of
    the IRC.

(8) Fair Value Measurements

    The Plan measures certain assets at fair value. The fair value hierarchy
    consists of three levels: Level 1 fair values are valuations based on
    quoted market prices in active markets for identical assets or liabilities
    that the entity has the ability to access; Level 2 fair values are those
    valuations based on quoted prices for similar assets or liabilities, quoted
    prices in markets that are not active, or other inputs that are observable
    or can be corroborated by observable data for substantially the full term
    of the assets or liabilities; and Level 3 fair values are valuations based
    on inputs that are supported by little or no market


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

    activity and that are significant to the fair value of the assets or

    The Plan had the following assets measured at fair value in its Statements
    of Net Assets Available for Plan Benefits:

                                            Fair Value Measurements Using:
                                         Prices in
                                          Markets    Significant
                                           For          Other      Significant
                                         Identical   Observable   Unobservable
                              Fair        Assets        Inputs        Inputs
                              Value      (Level 1)    (Level 2)      (Level 3)
                            --------     --------     ---------    ----------
    December 31, 2009

    Hasbro, Inc.
     Common Stock       $  6,281,740    6,281,740             -             -

    Mutual Funds         158,152,289  158,152,289             -             -

    Commingled Funds      85,424,842            -    85,424,842             -

    Synthetic GICs:

     Cash and Cash
      Equivalents             12,094       12,094             -             -

     U.S. Treasury Bonds     258,216      258,216             -             -

     Commingled Funds     53,340,930            -    53,340,930             -
                         -----------  -----------   -----------     ---------
      Total Synthetic
       GICs               53,611,240      270,310    53,340,930             -
                         -----------  -----------   -----------     ---------
    Total Investments   $303,470,111  164,704,339   138,765,772             -
                         ===========  ===========   ===========     =========


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

    December 31, 2008

    Hasbro, Inc.
     Common Stock       $  4,638,788    4,638,788             -             -

    Mutual Funds         106,834,748  106,834,748             -             -

    Commingled Funds      62,685,926            -    62,685,926             -

    Synthetic GICs:

     Cash and Cash
      Equivalents             30,236       30,236             -             -

     U.S. Treasury Bonds     263,895      263,895             -             -

     Commingled Funds     48,410,361            -    48,410,361             -

     Wrapper Contracts       101,978            -             -       101,978
                         -----------  -----------   -----------     ---------
      Total Synthetic
       GICs               48,806,470      294,131    48,410,361       101,978
                         -----------  -----------   -----------     ---------
    Total Investments   $222,965,932  111,767,667   111,096,287       101,978
                         ===========  ===========   ===========     =========

    The following is a description of the valuation methodologies used for
    assets measured at fair value. There have been no changes in the
    methodologies used at December 31, 2009 and 2008.

    Hasbro, Inc. Common Stock: Valued at the composite closing price reported
    on the New York Stock Exchange.

    Mutual Funds: Valued at the net asset value ("NAV") of shares held by the
    plan at year-end.

    Commingled Funds: Valued using the NAV which is quoted on a private market
    that is not active; however, the unit price is based on underlying
    investments which are traded on an active market.

    U.S. Treasury Bonds: Valued at the closing price reported in the active
    market in which the individual security is traded.


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

    Synthetic Guaranteed Investment Contracts: The synthetic GICs are comprised
    of wrapper contracts and underlying investments as detailed in the table
    above and described in Note 3. The fair value of the wrapper contracts
    represents the difference between the replacement cost and actual cost of
    the contracts and is calculated using a discounted cash flow model which
    considers recent fee bids as determined by recognized dealers, an
    appropriate discount rate and the duration of the underlying portfolio
    securities. These inputs are considered unobservable inputs in that they
    reflect the Plan's own assumptions about the inputs that market
    participants would use in pricing the asset or liability. The Plan believes
    that this is the best information available for use in the fair value
    measurement. The underlying assets are valued as described above.

    The following is a reconciliation of the beginning and ending balances of
    the fair value measurements of the wrapper contracts which use significant
    unobservable inputs (Level 3):

                                                         2009          2008
                                                        ----          ----
    Beginning Balance                                 $ 101,978            -

     Unrealized gains (losses)                         (101,978)     101,978
                                                       --------      -------
    Ending Balance                                    $       -      101,978
                                                       ========      =======

 (9) Reconciliation to Form 5500

    The accompanying financial statements are presented on the accrual basis of
    accounting and include certain accrued administrative expenses and employer
    contributions receivable which are not accrued on the Form 5500.

    The following is a reconciliation of net assets available for plan benefits
    per  the  financial  statements  to  the Form 5500 at December 31, 2009 and
                                                   2009            2008
                                                  ------          ------
    Per financial statements                 $ 319,850,291     242,597,730
    Employer contributions receivable           (9,023,176)     (9,213,459)
    Accrued administrative expenses                100,967         112,171
    Adjustment from contract value to
      fair value for fully-benefit
      responsive investment contracts              698,031      (2,036,852)
                                              ------------     -----------
    Per Form 5500                            $ 311,626,113     231,459,590
                                               ===========     ===========


                         Notes to Financial Statements

                          December 31, 2009 and 2008

    The following is a reconciliation of the change in net assets available for
    plan benefits per the financial statements to the Form 5500 at December 31,
    2009 and 2008.
                                                         2009         2008
                                                        ------       ------
    Per financial statements                       $  77,252,561  (79,584,380)
    Prior year employer contributions receivable       9,213,459            -
    Prior year accrued administrative expenses          (112,171)           -
    Prior year adjustment from contract value to
     fair value for fully-benefit responsive
     investment contracts                              2,036,852            -
    Current year employer contributions receivable    (9,023,176)  (9,213,459)
    Current year accrued administrative expenses         100,967      112,171
    Current year adjustment from contract value to
     fair value for fully-benefit responsive
     investment contracts                                698,031   (2,036,852)
                                                     -----------  -----------
    Per Form 5500                                   $ 80,166,523  (90,722,520)
                                                     ===========  ===========


        Schedule H, Line 4i - Schedule of Assets (Held at End of Year)

                         Year ended December 31, 2009

    Issuer                       Investment Description         Fair Value
    ------                       -----------------------        -----------

Mutual Funds
- ------------

Fidelity Growth Company Fund*   658,639 shares in registered  $ 45,432,920 **
                                 investment company

Fidelity Diversified            1,036,210 shares in registered  29,013,866 **
 International Fund*             investment company

PIMCO Total Return Fund         2,522,390 shares in registered  27,241,809 **
                                  investment company

Dodge & Cox Stock Fund          274,608 shares in registered    26,400,841 **
                                 investment company

Vanguard Small-Cap Index        444,134 shares in registered    12,213,677
 Fund                            investment company

Vanguard Mid-Cap Index Fund     666,366 shares in registered    10,928,398
                                 investment company

Dreyfus Limited Term            585,365 shares in registered     3,799,021
 High Yield Bond Fund            investment company

JPMorgan US Large Cap           171,714 shares in registered     3,121,757
 Core Plus Fund                  investment company

Commingled Funds
- ----------------

BTC S&P 500 Index               929,494 units in common         34,447,034 **
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2020        913,047 units in common         10,728,298
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2030        701,743 units in common          8,006,890
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2025        553,942 units in common          7,982,302
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2015        661,359 units in common          7,678,377
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2035        460,945 units in common          6,407,133
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2010        318,863 units in common          3,727,513
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2040        308,218 units in common          3,501,351
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2045        105,390 units in common          1,447,002
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement Income      103,640 units in common          1,194,966
                                 collective trust

JPM SmartRetirement 2050        23,419 units in common             303,976
                                 collective trust

Synthetic Guaranteed
 Investment Contracts
- ----------------------

Cash and Cash Equivalents                                           12,094

Wrapper Contracts:

 Monumental Life Insurance Co.  Wrapper contract                         -

 ING Life Insurance and
   Annuity Co.                  Wrapper contract                         -

Commingled Funds:

 JPMCB Intermediate Bond Fund   4,248,710 units in common       53,193,843 **
                                 collective trust

 JPMCB Liquidity Fund           147,087 units in common            147,087
                                 collective trust

U.S. Treasury Bonds:

 U.S. Treasury N/B              160,000 par; 2.375% interest;      162,119
  Security ID: 912828JJ          Maturity date: 08/31/2010

 U.S. Treasury N/B              85,000 par; 2.000% interest;        86,009
  Security ID: 912828JL          Maturity date: 09/30/2010

 U.S. Treasury N/B              10,000 par; 1.500% interest;        10,088
  Security ID: 912828JP          Maturity date: 10/31/2010

Common Stock
- ------------

 Hasbro Stock Fund *            195,937 shares of Hasbro, Inc.   6,281,740
                                  common stock

Cash and Cash Equivalents
- -------------------------

 Fidelity STIF *                 Cash equivalents                1,851,227

 Hasbro Stock Fund *             Cash                              357,778
  Investments and Cash                                       $ 305,679,116

Loans to Participants*       887 loans with interest rates
                             from 3.25% to 8.25% and maturity
                             dates from 2010 to 2019         $   6,134,693


 **Represents greater than 5% of Plan assets at December 31, 2009.

See accompanying report of independent registered public accounting firm.




The Plan Administrator
Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan:

We consent to the incorporation by reference in registration statement No. 333-34282 on Form S-8 of the Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan of our report dated June 25, 2010, relating to the statements of net assets available for plan benefits of the Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, and the related statements of changes in net assets available for plan benefits for the years then ended, and the related supplemental schedule, which report appears in the December 31, 2009 annual report on Form 11-K of the Hasbro, Inc. Retirement Savings Plan.


Providence, Rhode Island

June 25, 2010