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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited)
Consolidated Balance Sheets (Unaudited) Parenthetical
Consolidated Statements of Operations (Unaudited)
Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Earnings
Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (Unaudited)
Notes to Financial Statements
Basis of Presentation
Revenue Recognition
Asset Acquisition
Earnings Per Share
Other Comprehensive Earnings (Loss)
Financial Instruments
Income Taxes
Fair Value of Financial Instruments
Pension and Postretirement Benefits
Derivative Financial Instruments
Segment Reporting
Commercial Reorganization
Subsequent Event
Accounting Policies
Basis of Presentation (Policies)
Notes Tables
Asset Acquisition (Tables)
Earnings Per Share (Tables)
Other Comprehensive Earnings (Loss) (Tables)
Financial Instruments (Tables)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments (Tables)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits (Tables)
Derivative Financial Instruments (Tables)
Segment Reporting (Tables)
Notes Details
Basis of Presentation (Details)
Revenue Recognition (Details)
Asset Acquisition (Details)
Earnings Per Share (Details)
Other Comprehensive Earnings (Loss), Tax Effects on Changes in Other Comprehensive Earnings (loss) (Details)
Other Comprehensive Earnings (Loss), Changes in the components of accumulated other comprehensive loss (Details)
Other Comprehensive Earnings (Loss), Reclassification From Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Details)
Financial Instruments (Details)
Income Taxes (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Assests and Liabilities Measured at Fair Value (Details)
Fair Value of Financial Instruments, Significant Unobservable Inputs Roll Forward (Details)
Pension and Postretirement Benefits (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments, Narrative (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments, Notional Amounts and Fair Values of Foreign Currency Forward Contracts Designated as Cash Flow Hedging Instruments (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments, Fair Values Derivatives, Balance Sheet Location, by Derivative Contract Type (Details)
Derivative Financial Instruments, Gain (Loss) by Hedging Relationship, by Income Statement Location (Details)
Segment Reporting, Net revenues by segment (Details)
Segment Reporting, Total assets by segments (Details)
Segment Reporting, International Segment Net Revenues (Details)
Segment Reporting, Revenue by Brand Portfolio (Details)
Commercial Reorganization (Details)
Subsequent Event (Details)
All Reports
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