Fixed Income Information

Hasbro typically generates a significant amount of cash from operations and funds its operations and liquidity needs primarily through cash flows from operations, and, when needed, may access additional funding from its $1.25 billion Revolving Bank Facility and/or its commercial paper program. The Company has also has access to public and private debt capital markets as a financing strategy to meet the funding requirements of its operations as well as to provide financial flexibility to fund longer term capital investments. This section provides details in regard to Hasbro’s financing.

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 Standard & PoorsMoody's Investor ServicesFitch Ratings
Long-Term DebtBBBBaa2BBB-
Commercial PaperA2P2F3
Note: A securities rating is not a recommendation to buy, sell or hold and may be subject to revision or withdrawal at any time.
($ Thousands)
Long-Term DebtMaturityCouponOutstanding
as of
% Total O/S Debt
Senior Unsecured Notes11/19/20263.55%$675,00019.4%
Senior Unsecured Notes9/15/20273.50%$500,00014.3%
Senior Unsecured Notes11/19/20293.90%$900,00025.8%
Senior Unsecured Notes5/14/20346.05%$500,00014.3%
Senior Unsecured Notes3/15/20406.35%$500,00014.3%
Senior Unsecured Notes5/15/20445.10%$300,0008.6%
Notes: The $500MM 11/19/2024 Senior Unsecured Note was repaid at maturity on November 19th, 2024. Percentage of total O/S debt excludes deferred debt expense and any short-term debt. 
Short-Term DebtDate AnnouncedAvailabilityInterest RateMaturityUtilized as of
Revolving Credit FacilitySeptember 2023$1,250,000Term SOFR + 1.475%September 5, 2028$4,015
Commercial Paper ProgramDecember 2017$1,000,000Market ConditionsVaries – But Not To Exceed 397 Days